Successful Dropout Podcast and Interview

Thanks to a visit with a new friend at my recent book signing, I was asked to do an interview on the Successful Dropout podcast! The host is Kylon Gienger, a young entrepreneur who shares tools for young adults wanting to skip college and go straight to entrepreneurship. Kylon invited me on his show to bring a different perspective for the years right after high school graduation, especially for those listeners who plan to go to college.

Not only did I have a blast chatting with Kylon about some of the techniques that I share in my book to earn a $15,000 bachelor’s degree in two years, but I was also inspired by his story and the stories from the Successful Dropout community: a group of people who want to better their lives and the lives of those around them.

My favorite quote from the episode is Kylon talking about how to know when you’re on the right track—how to know that you’re living to your full potential. We were discussing how each of us had found the courage to choose and follow a non-traditional path after high school: Kylon dropping out of college and me deciding to study off campus. Kylon says,

“Some of the best experiences you’ll ever have in life are the things that you were once afraid to do. … If you’re feeling just a little bit of fear, you’re probably doing what you’re supposed to be doing.”

I’ve listened to three other interviews that Kylon has done, including the episode with his sister Chelann, and I learned something from all three. I hope today’s podcast will inspire you to grow, to find mentors who push you, and, as we talked about in the interview, to just not worry so much. 🙂

Successful Dropout:

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus

My Interview on The New Heights Show

On Friday, I was delighted to be interviewed by Briana Dincher on The New Heights Show. Briana discusses educational topics weekly on Fridays at 12:30pm EST. I enjoyed our chat about the flexibility of online classes, giving a credit-by-exam testing a try, and socialization for off-campus students. My warm thanks goes to Briana for hosting me!

Here is the episode:


Interview on BlogTalkRadio:

The New Heights Show on Education: