But one thing I do:
forgetting what lies behind and
straining forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.— Philippians 4:13
Tuesday Tip: Rest
This week’s tip is simple: resting one day every week. But taking time in my schedule to rest isn’t always easy. So, today I talk about why resting is important and what helps me make recharging a priority.
Escape the Heat at Harris Park
I took a day trip with family up to Harris Park in the Blue Mountains recently. We watched the outside temperature slowly fall as we drove toward the park. When we arrived, we found that the temperature by the water was at least 10 degrees cooler than even the mountain temperature. 😄 Being near the water and pine trees was refreshing.
To get to Harris Park, see this Google Map.
Tuesday Tip: Being In the Present
Occasionally I come home from a vacation or event and realize that I never stopped to take in the reality of the day. To combat this, I try to pause and think about the past moments I’ve just experienced and the future moments I’m planning for. Then I appreciate where I am right now.
The best part of this exercise is that when I look back at those events, I know that I appreciated them in the moment. Doing this frees me from looking back and leaves me ready to fully enjoy life’s current adventures.