Exercise makes me feel better, but it takes effort to make it part of my weekly routine. Here are two things I’ve found that help me keep my exercise habit.
Tag: Hillary Harshman
Tuesday Tip: How to Build Intentional Friendships
In this Tuesday Tip sequel, I talk about what makes a good friendship and how to make introductions easier.
All about Group Learning with Living Education Journal
I’m excited to be a contributor to the spring edition of Living Education Journal. This issue focuses on parent-led group learning. I discuss how I took more responsibility for my learning starting in elementary school. You’ll also find a fantastic article about writing poems as a group via video chat, a fun painting craft, and ways to foster empathy in your children.
To view the spring edition of Living Education, visit: https://www.flipsnack.com/9AFAAD97C6F/living-education-spring-2018-parent-powered.html.
FAQ #4: The difference between online classes and credit-by-exam tests
Q: Hillary, how is the way you took courses different than taking online classes?
A: The main difference between credit-by-exam testing and online courses is the lack of a professor to guide you in the credit-by-exam method. Credit-by-exam courses put the burden of learning upon the student. However, this doesn’t mean that the student is alone in learning: the student has the opportunity to select resources and advisors as needed. The structure of online courses parallels a traditional college course, including a specified textbook to learn from and interaction with a professor and other students.