Living Education: Parent Powered! Spring 2018

All about Group Learning with Living Education Journal

Encouraging Self-Directed Learning, One Spoonful at a Time

I’m excited to be a contributor to the spring edition of Living Education Journal. This issue focuses on parent-led group learning. I discuss how I took more responsibility for my learning starting in elementary school. You’ll also find a fantastic article about writing poems as a group via video chat, a fun painting craft, and ways to foster empathy in your children.

To view the spring edition of Living Education, visit:

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus

FAQ #4: The difference between online classes and credit-by-exam tests

Q: Hillary, how is the way you took courses different than taking online classes?

A: The main difference between credit-by-exam testing and online courses is the lack of a professor to guide you in the credit-by-exam method. Credit-by-exam courses put the burden of learning upon the student. However, this doesn’t mean that the student is alone in learning: the student has the opportunity to select resources and advisors as needed. The structure of online courses parallels a traditional college course, including a specified textbook to learn from and interaction with a professor and other students.

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus