Giant Flashcards

Study Tip: Giant Flashcards

During my senior year of college, I wanted to creatively pull out of a study rut. The courses I had planned would require memorization of a large set of new information. With the goal of involving as many of the five senses as I could, I began trying different note taking strategies.

I used InstantCert’s flashcards to supplement my textbooks. To internalize what I was learning, I would type the new facts in my own words into a memo on my computer. This strategy inspired me to try writing facts on 8.5″ x 11″ paper. Writing instead of typing helped me to remember facts even better.

Another technique I tried was to group the facts of a certain year. For example, when I was studying the history of Europe after 1945, I created a page for specific years to cement the order of events in my mind. I also used a page to write definitions of new words and biographies of people. You can see some of my note sheets in the header photo.

These oversize flashcards had purpose beyond a writing exercise. I hung them in my room so I could view them in the mornings and evenings and rehearse the new information. Rehearsal after learning aids memorization.

Finding new ways to retain information shook up my study time. What’s your favorite way to memorize new facts?

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus

Dear Millennial, by Chelann Gienger

Book Review: Dear Millennial, by Chelann Gienger

• • • • • • • ► “You have a unique purpose.”

It’s a simple thought. But when you press pass the surface, this statement has power behind it. Because if we each have a one-of-a-kind purpose, then we each have a mission, one that only we can accomplish.

Dear Millennial, brings these abstract principles to concrete reality with examples of purpose in everyday life, ways of getting motivated and accountable for action, and stories of the tough going on when it’s tough. The book takes the reader from the quote above in the opening chapter to the recipe for living out that purpose.

Chelann Gienger

Chelann Gienger

• • • • • • • ► Purpose and finding your own

The book’s subtitle is “A compass to defining your unique purpose, pursuing a life of fulfillment, and building a legacy.” True to those words, the author, Chelann Gienger, helps readers find exactly what they are passionate about. Chelann starts by giving examples of personal mission statements. Next, she talks about values. The examples she shares inspired me to sit down and create my own mission statement and values.

• • • • • • • ► Nurturing motivation

As an entrepreneur, I make quicker progress toward my goals if I am motivated to reach them. Reading Dear Millennial, made me excited to be intentional about achieving my goals and connecting with others who are also pursuing their own goals. Plus, Chelann reminded me why we reach out and make things happen. If one of my goals is to help others (yes), then reaching my goals becomes a win-win situation: my own dreams are fulfilled, and I have aided others in their own as well.

Dear Millennial, cover

• • • • • • • ► Real life stories

Helping others is something Chelann takes seriously. A key feature of the book is her personal stories of real-life experiences. These passages of the book reminded me that success is often born of struggle. Stories on social media and reality TV shows don’t always show us the difficult parts of business, so to have someone tactfully relate the behind-the-scenes of being a business person was timely.

I’m grateful to Chelann for publishing this manual for individuals who have big dreams and want to actively progress toward them. By illuminating the path she has walked, she leaves seeds of motivation to use in our own lives. I definitely recommend this book for adults of any age or as a family read-aloud.

• • • • • • • ► For more about Dear Millennial,

Check out Chelann’s website at:

Or, find her on Facebook or Instagram.

This is an unsponsored review to share a book I found insightful.

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus