Chairs at Suttle Tea in Sisters, Oregon

How to Successfully Work from Home: Staying Motivated, Efficient and Excited

Today I’m writing to you about two things that have helped me work from home for ten years.

N° 1: Set daily goals with a List

To-do lists: there’s so much to love… and not love. But one area where they are very effective is in achieving daily tasks. I like my friend Chelann’s tip from her book Dear Millennial, to write a daily to-do list the night before. I’ve found that I can see my upcoming tasks more clearly the day before rather than the day of. A daily list helps me avoid feeling anxious because I wake up with a plan for my day and I know what task to begin with.

Once you’ve created your to-do list, you plow through every item with no heed for family, co-workers or pets. 😃 Not really. Rather than being an inflexible schedule, a to-do list allows you to prioritize what needs to be done. (It actually can promote relationships with your co-workers and pets because you can schedule time for them.)

The to-do list has become my friend and it can be your friend, too! Try it for clarity in your schedule and for getting the important things done first.

N° 2: Keep your bucket full

My cousin-in-law Katie calls uplifting people “bucket fillers.” She says when you’re around these people, your internal bucket gets filled.

One way I stay excited and on task at home is to be with others who also take pride in their time spent at home. (This includes people who work outside the home.)

If I spend too much time* with people who don’t like working at home or being at home, their attitude affects mine. Seeds of dissatisfaction are planted.

Now I’m not saying we can remove every negative influence. It’s like what Paul tells the Corinthians, “To do that, you’d have to go out of this world.” 😀

Instead, we fight to neutralize negativity.

We conquer negativity by drowning it with good thoughts, uplifting people, and time spent pursuing our goals. The more focused we are on where we are going, the less negativity will influence us.

Cheers to working from home!


*How much time is too much time? This varies. It’s a combination of how much stress I’m under, how much free time I have, and how much energy I have to give away to others. An indicator I use is my attitude toward my home, work, and myself after I’ve spent time with someone.

College Without Hillary Harshman and Chelann Giengerthe Campus and Dear Millennial,

Finding Your Purpose & Affordable College

Millennials: Want to create a path to your goals and stay motivated during the journey? Come to Auntie’s Bookstore and meet peers Chelann Gienger and Hillary Harshman. Chelann is 21 years old and has been running her own brick-and-mortar business for three years! Hillary earned her bachelor’s degree for less than $10,000 by skipping the campus and earning credit while in high school. They will share how they stayed motivated to pursue their passions and reach their business and education goals. There will also be a raffle for a $25 Auntie’s Bookstore gift card.

Their book event is at Auntie’s on Thursday, March 15 from 7-8pm. You can find details at Auntie’s events page.

For more about Chelann, see To learn about Hillary’s college journey, visit

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus

Living Education: Parent Powered! Spring 2018

All about Group Learning with Living Education Journal

Encouraging Self-Directed Learning, One Spoonful at a Time

I’m excited to be a contributor to the spring edition of Living Education Journal. This issue focuses on parent-led group learning. I discuss how I took more responsibility for my learning starting in elementary school. You’ll also find a fantastic article about writing poems as a group via video chat, a fun painting craft, and ways to foster empathy in your children.

To view the spring edition of Living Education, visit:

Black mortarboard from College Without the Campus